MLB is definitely regretting its new baseball cap designs (20 Photos) 1

MLB is definitely regretting its new baseball cap designs (20 Photos)

I’m in the Market for a Dingy Nightgown for My Possessed Teenage Daughter 2

I’m in the Market for a Dingy Nightgown for My Possessed Teenage Daughter

ICYMI: theCHIVE Weekly Round-Up 3

ICYMI: theCHIVE Weekly Round-Up

Your Weekly Dose of Happy Wholesome Memes (28 Photos) 4

Your Weekly Dose of Happy Wholesome Memes (28 Photos)

How I’ll Spend Every Minute of My Fifteen Minutes of Fame 5

How I’ll Spend Every Minute of My Fifteen Minutes of Fame

Will the Special Water from Your Brita Make You Feel Loved and Looked After? 6

Will the Special Water from Your Brita Make You Feel Loved and Looked After?

Hmmm… I’m Confused & Entertained (28 Photos) 7

Hmmm… I’m Confused & Entertained (28 Photos)

The punishments in these Medieval paintings sure are…innovative (30 Photos) 8

The punishments in these Medieval paintings sure are…innovative (30 Photos)

Forgive Me, I Ran a Charity 5K but Didn’t Cure Any Diseases 9

Forgive Me, I Ran a Charity 5K but Didn’t Cure Any Diseases

Inviting Kevin Bacon to your wedding? Leave ‘Footloose’ out of it – SXSW 2025 10

Inviting Kevin Bacon to your wedding? Leave ‘Footloose’ out of it – SXSW 2025

EXPLAIN-ing to DO…these pics (42 Photos) 11

EXPLAIN-ing to DO…these pics (42 Photos)

Top Comments of the Week fade back…shoot…SCORE! (76 Photos) 12

Top Comments of the Week fade back…shoot…SCORE! (76 Photos)

I Don’t Whistle in the Office Because I Want To, I Do It Because I Have To 13

I Don’t Whistle in the Office Because I Want To, I Do It Because I Have To

Funny tweets with just a dash of heartwarming (25 Photos) 14

Funny tweets with just a dash of heartwarming (25 Photos)

Look closely and you’ll spot some easter eggs in real life (24 Photos) 15

Look closely and you’ll spot some easter eggs in real life (24 Photos)

Moronic Memes 4 Dummies (32 Photos) 16

Moronic Memes 4 Dummies (32 Photos)

GIFs for… “AWESOME Sh*t Friday” (31 GIFs) 17

GIFs for… “AWESOME Sh*t Friday” (31 GIFs)

Suggested Zillow Listings in Your Price Range 18

Suggested Zillow Listings in Your Price Range

Take a Dank Meme Break Right Here (30 Photos) 19

Take a Dank Meme Break Right Here (30 Photos)

The entitlement is real with these people… real infuriating! (30 Photos) 20

The entitlement is real with these people… real infuriating! (30 Photos)

I Am Your Super-Thin, Yellowing, Old Bed Pillow—Please Put Me Out of My Misery 21

I Am Your Super-Thin, Yellowing, Old Bed Pillow—Please Put Me Out of My Misery

Silly Stupid Memes for Snoozy Saturday Sloths (30 Photos) 22

Silly Stupid Memes for Snoozy Saturday Sloths (30 Photos)

Celebrate Chuck Norris’ 85th Birthday with Ridiculous GIFs 23

Celebrate Chuck Norris’ 85th Birthday with Ridiculous GIFs

Actress Rachel Weisz is 55 and thriving (25 GIFs) 24

Actress Rachel Weisz is 55 and thriving (25 GIFs)

Excerpts from “Caring for Your Epilogue Baby” 25

Excerpts from “Caring for Your Epilogue Baby”

Failure remains an undefeated champion of life lessons (17 GIFs) 26

Failure remains an undefeated champion of life lessons (17 GIFs)

GIFs did see coming…way “better” than expected (30 GIFs) 27

GIFs did see coming…way “better” than expected (30 GIFs)

Saving the World Is Much Harder as a Spy Adult than It Was as a Spy Kid 28

Saving the World Is Much Harder as a Spy Adult than It Was as a Spy Kid

It’s Great to Hear About Your Wedding, Even Though I’m a Monster Living in the Sewers 29

It’s Great to Hear About Your Wedding, Even Though I’m a Monster Living in the Sewers

NSFW Memes are here to satiate that inner-sinner of yours… (34 Photos) 30

NSFW Memes are here to satiate that inner-sinner of yours… (34 Photos)

Some people call it high fashion, but we call it “Are you high?” (35 Photos) 31

Some people call it high fashion, but we call it “Are you high?” (35 Photos)

Greens are grassier on the other side, hi-def golf pics to prep for spring (20 Photos) 32

Greens are grassier on the other side, hi-def golf pics to prep for spring (20 Photos)

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