Saving the World Is Much Harder as a Spy Adult than It Was as a Spy Kid 1

Saving the World Is Much Harder as a Spy Adult than It Was as a Spy Kid

The top ‘Mind-F*** films’ of all time. GO! (22 GIFs) 2

The top ‘Mind-F*** films’ of all time. GO! (22 GIFs)

There’s something extra relatable about cat memes… (31 Photos) 3

There’s something extra relatable about cat memes… (31 Photos)

If you want a good laugh don’t put these memes on ‘Do Not Disturb’ (25 Photos) 4

If you want a good laugh don’t put these memes on ‘Do Not Disturb’ (25 Photos)

Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement for Me and My Siblings 5

Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement for Me and My Siblings

Vintage Vixen: Jane Fonda (25 GIFs) 6

Vintage Vixen: Jane Fonda (25 GIFs)

Forgive Me, I Ran a Charity 5K but Didn’t Cure Any Diseases 7

Forgive Me, I Ran a Charity 5K but Didn’t Cure Any Diseases

Saved From Desk Death by Mid-Week Memes (27 Photos) 8

Saved From Desk Death by Mid-Week Memes (27 Photos)

Shower Thoughts Are a Real Mindf**k! (17 GIFs) 9

Shower Thoughts Are a Real Mindf**k! (17 GIFs)

GIF-damn: every year…Winter SUCKs (34 GIFs) 10

GIF-damn: every year…Winter SUCKs (34 GIFs)

A Top Comments worthy of a President’s welcome! (67 Photos) 11

A Top Comments worthy of a President’s welcome! (67 Photos)

Men reveal the moment they knew, ‘She ain’t THE one’ (15 GIFs) 12

Men reveal the moment they knew, ‘She ain’t THE one’ (15 GIFs)

An Average Sunday for Your Friend Who Speed Reads Everything as Imagined by Me, a Very Slow Reader 13

An Average Sunday for Your Friend Who Speed Reads Everything as Imagined by Me, a Very Slow Reader

Man, I’ve Been Killing It (My Will to Live)! 14

Man, I’ve Been Killing It (My Will to Live)!

Thank You for Everything, Dank Memes (25 Photos) 15

Thank You for Everything, Dank Memes (25 Photos)

We’ve Been Observing Your Earth—We Give It a Four 16

We’ve Been Observing Your Earth—We Give It a Four

Things 99% of people do wrong, but almost none of us realize it 17

Things 99% of people do wrong, but almost none of us realize it

Stages of Processing a Catcaller Saying “You’ve Still Got It” 18

Stages of Processing a Catcaller Saying “You’ve Still Got It”

Your Weekly Wholesome, Happy, Heartwarming Post (30 Photos) 19

Your Weekly Wholesome, Happy, Heartwarming Post (30 Photos)

‘Mullet Mania!’: It takes a real cutie patootie to rock this haircut (20 Photos) 20

‘Mullet Mania!’: It takes a real cutie patootie to rock this haircut (20 Photos)

I’m Going to Deboard This Plane Before You 21

I’m Going to Deboard This Plane Before You

I Think It’s Polite to Clap for Your Pilot After Crash Landings Too 22

I Think It’s Polite to Clap for Your Pilot After Crash Landings Too

An Honest Sign-up Sheet for the Office Potluck 23

An Honest Sign-up Sheet for the Office Potluck

The Chronicles of a Terrible Day (25 Photos) 24

The Chronicles of a Terrible Day (25 Photos)

Whoa Whoa Whoa… Hold the Heck Up! (25 Photos) 25

Whoa Whoa Whoa… Hold the Heck Up! (25 Photos)

Wis-DUMB memes built for the weekend (42 Photos) 26

Wis-DUMB memes built for the weekend (42 Photos)

Question for ya… Who cut your hair? And also, WTF? (25 Photos) 27

Question for ya… Who cut your hair? And also, WTF? (25 Photos)

Online Sports Betting Needs to Be Tightly Regulated Right After This Eagles Game Wraps Up 28

Online Sports Betting Needs to Be Tightly Regulated Right After This Eagles Game Wraps Up

Fatherhood Is Great, but I Think Being a Lifeguard in 1997 Was Actually the Best Job I Ever Had 29

Fatherhood Is Great, but I Think Being a Lifeguard in 1997 Was Actually the Best Job I Ever Had

Even on President’s Day…Work Happens (42 Photos) 30

Even on President’s Day…Work Happens (42 Photos)

Crack up with animals that have a beeline to our laugh track (55 Photos) 31

Crack up with animals that have a beeline to our laugh track (55 Photos)

Action Needed, RE: “The Incident” 32

Action Needed, RE: “The Incident”

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