Relaxing Vacation Spots for Moms 1

Relaxing Vacation Spots for Moms

Silly Stupid Memes for Snoozy Saturday Sloths (26 Photos) 2

Silly Stupid Memes for Snoozy Saturday Sloths (26 Photos)

Men reveal the moment they knew, ‘She ain’t THE one’ (15 GIFs) 3

Men reveal the moment they knew, ‘She ain’t THE one’ (15 GIFs)

Thank You for Everything, Dank Memes (25 Photos) 4

Thank You for Everything, Dank Memes (25 Photos)

It’s Saturday & We Got the Cats! (40 Photos) 5

It’s Saturday & We Got the Cats! (40 Photos)

Valentine’s Day gifts to give if you wanna be single (18 Photos) 6

Valentine’s Day gifts to give if you wanna be single (18 Photos)

Some pregame NHL memes before the 4 Nations Face-Off (45 Photos) 7

Some pregame NHL memes before the 4 Nations Face-Off (45 Photos)

What I Accomplished in the 12 Hours TikTok Was Banned 8

What I Accomplished in the 12 Hours TikTok Was Banned

Your Weekly Wholesome, Happy, Heartwarming Post (30 Photos) 9

Your Weekly Wholesome, Happy, Heartwarming Post (30 Photos)

Fatherhood Is Great, but I Think Being a Lifeguard in 1997 Was Actually the Best Job I Ever Had 10

Fatherhood Is Great, but I Think Being a Lifeguard in 1997 Was Actually the Best Job I Ever Had

My Off-Grid Tiny House in the Wilderness Has Given Me the Freedom to Fear Truly Unspeakable Horrors 11

My Off-Grid Tiny House in the Wilderness Has Given Me the Freedom to Fear Truly Unspeakable Horrors

The Way of the Double Text 12

The Way of the Double Text

An Honest Sign-up Sheet for the Office Potluck 13

An Honest Sign-up Sheet for the Office Potluck

I Think It’s Polite to Clap for Your Pilot After Crash Landings Too 14

I Think It’s Polite to Clap for Your Pilot After Crash Landings Too

I’m Going to Deboard This Plane Before You 15

I’m Going to Deboard This Plane Before You

Mind-LESS early morning Memes (44 Photos) 16

Mind-LESS early morning Memes (44 Photos)

Advice Column for Mad Scientists and Super Villains 17

Advice Column for Mad Scientists and Super Villains

Hmmm… I’d Like a Break From the Internet Now (35 Photos) 18

Hmmm… I’d Like a Break From the Internet Now (35 Photos)

SPOT ON memes for Grumpy ol’ Dad minds (43 Photos) 19

SPOT ON memes for Grumpy ol’ Dad minds (43 Photos)

Whoa Whoa Whoa… Hold the Heck Up! (25 Photos) 20

Whoa Whoa Whoa… Hold the Heck Up! (25 Photos)

20 Valentine’s Day cards sure to kick your Rizz up a notch 21

20 Valentine’s Day cards sure to kick your Rizz up a notch

Stupid Memes 4 Dummies (30 Photos) 22

Stupid Memes 4 Dummies (30 Photos)

Former Employee Holds Key to Prevent AWS Shutdown and Potential Nuclear Meltdown 23

Former Employee Holds Key to Prevent AWS Shutdown and Potential Nuclear Meltdown

Best Photos of the Week! (100 Photos) 24

Best Photos of the Week! (100 Photos)

GIF-damn: every year…Winter SUCKs (34 GIFs) 25

GIF-damn: every year…Winter SUCKs (34 GIFs)

Online Sports Betting Needs to Be Tightly Regulated Right After This Eagles Game Wraps Up 26

Online Sports Betting Needs to Be Tightly Regulated Right After This Eagles Game Wraps Up

Shower Thoughts Are a Real Mindf**k! (17 GIFs) 27

Shower Thoughts Are a Real Mindf**k! (17 GIFs)

Saved From Desk Death by Mid-Week Memes (27 Photos) 28

Saved From Desk Death by Mid-Week Memes (27 Photos)

These memes are art, literally (25 Photos) 29

These memes are art, literally (25 Photos)

GTA6 still isn’t here, but at least we got all this stuff we didn’t ask for 30

GTA6 still isn’t here, but at least we got all this stuff we didn’t ask for

Action Needed, RE: “The Incident” 31

Action Needed, RE: “The Incident”

A Top Comments worthy of a President’s welcome! (67 Photos) 32

A Top Comments worthy of a President’s welcome! (67 Photos)

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